Actuarial career

Current role

Matching Adjustment Actuary / Advisor (L&G, Jan 2024 onwards)

I have fortunately had the opportunity to switch into the Matching Adjustment Team of L&G. So far my responsibilities have primarily focused on matters relating to the MA eligibility of liabilities and the transition to the new Solvency UK regime introduced on 30 June 2024.

Previous roles

Longevity Risk Actuary (L&G, Sep 2017 - Dec 2023)

My main focus was on maintaining the risk calibrations of the various demographic assumptions used by L&G within its internal model. This included designing and implementing various model changes.

Senior consultant (RMS, Sep 2014 - Sep 2017)

I had the pleasure of working in the RMS LifeRisks Team with its suite of risk models, including the RMS Longevity Risk Model, the RMS Pandemic Risk Model, the RMS Terrorism Model and the RMS Residual Risks Model. This position demanded a versatile skillset as I was tasked with:

  • Designing and implementing analyses (often coming up with my own validation methodologies)

  • Understanding and presenting sophisticated mathematical models for a wide range of risks

  • Writing up client deliverables, including reports

  • Software demos and training

  • Directly supporting my Sales Director when engaging with existing licencees and prospective customers

Pensions consultant (Towers Watson, Sep 2006 - Sep 2014)

Entering as part of the graduate intake, I gained experience of most aspects of DB pension consulting work. I also specialised as one of the local "champions" in mortality assumptions, particularly with respect to the uncertainty in the outlook for mortality improvements.