Supporting my efforts
I welcome and greatly appreciate support towards my primary goal of securing the investigations into the response to the Covid crisis that I have articulated in my manifesto. Equally, I am very mindful of the need to maintain my impartiality on these investigations - this extends to ensuring that there is nothing which could be interpreted as compromising my impartiality.
The most important way to support my efforts - vote for me!
The main way to support my efforts is to vote for my election to IFoA Council. This will give me a democratic mandate that will empower me in three important ways:
I can creditably assert that my investigations are worthy of attention because my peers will have deliberately sanctioned this activity.
My investigations will carry legitimacy because my peers will have endorsed my credentials for carrying out this work.
My election gives me the authority to demand answers as I raise questions.
I cannot understate the importance of these three elements: their absence has previously undermined my attempts to raise concerns about the Covid response, even in the situations where I enjoyed some success. Therefore the most powerful way you can support me is by voting for my election to the IFoA Council in summer 2025 and I thank everyone in advance for this support - I will endeavour to be worthy of it.
Other ways to support my efforts:
Raise awareness of my campaign by sharing the details with UK actuaries, requesting that they take a look. However please refrain from sending out a generic mass email: one personalised endorsement is preferable to a generic cover message sent to 100 people. I need to engage with my fellow actuaries, not spam them!
Subscribe to my regular newsletter. This allows me to gauge how well my message is penetrating the actuarial community.